বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড)/৭২

শিরোনাম সূত্র তারিখ
মওলানা ভাসানী কর্তৃক গণ-আন্দোলনের ডাক পাকিস্তান অবজারভার ৭ ডিসেম্বর, ১৯৬৮


(By Special Correspondent)

 National Awami Party (Pro-Peking) Chief Maulana Bhashani addressing Friday's public meeting at Paltan Maidan gave a call for changing the present system through man movement. Maulana Bhashani denied the allegation that his party did not want unity with other opposition political parties. But he also said, I do not want a united front for fighting election.

 The meeting was held under the joint auspices of National Awami Party (pro-Peking), East Pakistan Sramik Federation protesting “repressions” by the regime. Besides, the Maulana who presided over the meeting was addressed among others, by Mr. Mashiur Rahman, MNA, Mr. Abdul Huq, Mr. Mohammad Toaha. Denying the charge against the opposition parties that hey were without any concrete programme he said that their demands for provincial autonomy, direct adult franchise, freedom of the press etc. formed the programme.

 Criticising the regime for not accepting the people demands Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani apprehended that if the demands were not conceded to East Pakistan might secede the become independent.

 More than once he hinted that his party would not participate in the coming elections. IIe said the regime would not be able to hold elections if the people resist it.

 Maulana Bhashani demanded release of all political prisoners including Mr. Bhutto and Khan Wali Khan.

 Maulana Bhashani advised President to 'retire' and told the Basic Democrats to beware this time.

 The meeting was followed by a procession led by Maulana Bhashani. When the processionists coming out on the D.I.T. Avenue through the southern gate of the Paltan Maidan were about to enter the road running in front of the Governor's House, a contingent of police obstructed their path.

 After a brief demonstration near the crossing of Toyenbee Circular Road the procession proceeded towards Jinnah Avenue on way to Baitul Mukarram.

 After the procession passed away a number of fencings of the Children Park were found demolished. Any empty bus of the E.P.R.T.C. was found standing on Toyenbee Circular Road with partially damaged window panes.

 When the procession terminated at Baitul Mukarram Maulana Bhashani gave a call for observing strike in the city on Saturday, earlier addressing the Paltan Maidan he had called for general strike on December, 12. So his call for the strike on Saturday created confusion. He later announced that there might be a transport strike on Saturday.