বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (প্রথম খণ্ড)/১

শিরোনাম সূত্র তারিখ
বংগভংগ প্রস্তাব সম্পর্কিত দলিল স্ট্রাগল ফর ফ্রিডমঃ আর, সি, মজুমদার, পৃষ্ঠা-২০ ১৯শে জুলাই, ১৯০৫


[The news that Assam with Dacca, Chittagong and Rajshahi Divisions of Bengal would be constituted as a separate province first appeared in the Calcutta Press on 6 July 1905 and next day it was officially announced from Simla.]

 The resulting changes are summed up in para 7 of the resolution which runs as follows:

 “7. The effect of the proposals thus agreed upon, and now about to be introduced will be as follows:

 A new province will be created with the status of a Lieutenant-Governorship, consisting of the Chittagong, Dacca and Rajshahi Divisions of Bengal, the district of Malda, the State of Hill Tipperah, and the present Chief Commissionership of Assam. Darjeeling will remain with Bengal . In order to maintain associations which are highly valued in both areas, the province will be entitled Eastern Bengal and Assam. Its Capital will be at Dacca with subsidiary headquarters at Chittagong. It will comprise an area of 106,540 square miles and a population of 31 millions of whom 18 millions is Mohammadans and 12 millions Hindus. It will possess a Legislative Council and a Board of Revenue of tow members and the Jurisdiction of the High Court of Calcutta is left undisturbed. The existing province of Bengal diminished by the surrender of these large territories on the east and of the five Hindu States of Chhota Nagpur but increased by the acquisition of Sambalpur and the five Uriya States before mentioned, will consist of 141,580 square miles with a population of 54 millions of whom 42 million are Hindus and 9 million Mohammadans. In short the territories now composing Bengal and Assam will be divided into two compact and self-contained provinces, by far the largest constituents of each of which will be homogeneous in character, and which will possess clearly defined boundaries and be equipped with the complete resources of an advanced administration.”

Foot-Note: The revised scheme of Partition was conveyed to the public in the form of a Government Resolution, dated 19 July and published in the Calcutta Press no the 20th July 1905 (The full text to the Resolution is given by Bengal, op.cit App.G.P.L)