এই মডিউলের জন্য মডিউল:Institution/নথি-এ নথিপত্র তৈরি করা হয়ে থাকতে পারে
__ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _
| \/ | ___ __| |_ _| | ___ _|_ _|_ __ ___| |_(_) |_ _ _| |_(_) ___ _ __
| |\/| |/ _ \ / _` | | | | |/ _ (_)| || '_ \/ __| __| | __| | | | __| |/ _ \| '_ \
| | | | (_) | (_| | |_| | | __/_ | || | | \__ \ |_| | |_| |_| | |_| | (_) | | | |
|_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_|\___(_)___|_| |_|___/\__|_|\__|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|
This module is intended to be the engine behind "Template:Institution".
Please do not modify this code without applying the changes first at
"Module:Institution/sandbox" and testing at "Module:Institution/testcases".
Authors and maintainers:
* User:Jarekt - original version
require('strict') -- used for debugging purposes as it detects cases of unintended global variables
local getLabel = require("Module:Wikidata label")._getLabel -- used for creation of name based on wikidata
local getDate = require("Module:Wikidata date")._date -- used for processing of date properties
local authorityControl = require("Module:কর্তৃপক্ষ নিয়ন্ত্রণ (নতুন)")._authorityControl -- used for formatting of Authority control row
local City = require("Module:City")._city -- used to add wikidata bases links to names of places
local Coordinates = require("Module:Coordinates")
local labels = {
native_name = {
ar = 'الاسم الأصلي',
ast = 'Nome local',
['be-tarask'] = 'Уласная назва',
bn = 'স্থানীয় নাম',
ca = 'Nom oficial',
cs = 'Nativní název',
da = 'Officielt navn',
de = 'Eigenname',
el = 'Τοπική ονομασία',
en = 'Native name',
es = 'Nombre local',
et = 'Kohalik nimetus',
eu = 'Bertako izena',
fa = 'نام محلی',
fi = 'Omakielinen nimi',
fr = 'Nom local',
gl = 'Nome oficial',
he = 'שם בשפת המקור',
hi = 'मुल नाम',
hu = 'Helyi név',
hy = 'Բնօրինակ անունը',
id = 'Nama asli',
it = 'Nome in lingua locale',
ja = '原語名',
ko = '원어 이름',
mk = 'Изворен назив',
ml = 'പ്രാദേശിക നാമം',
ms = 'Nama asli',
nds = 'Offiziellen Naam',
nl = 'Lokale naam',
nn = 'Namn på lokalt språk',
pl = 'Oficjalna nazwa',
pt = 'Nome nativo',
ro = 'Denumire oficială',
ru = 'Оригинальное название',
scn = 'Nomu n lingua lucali',
sl = 'Domače ime',
sr = 'Изворно име',
sv = 'Officiellt namn',
th = 'ชื่อในภาษาต้นฉบับ',
tr = 'Yerel adı',
uk = 'Власна назва',
vi = 'Tên bản ngữ',
zh = '原名',
parent = {
ar = 'المؤسسة الأم',
['be-tarask'] = 'Мацярынская ўстанова',
bn = 'মূল প্রতিষ্ঠান',
ca = 'Institució matriu',
cs = 'Nadřazená instituce',
da = 'Moderinstitution',
de = 'Muttergesellschaft',
el = 'Μητρικός οργανισμός',
en = 'Parent institution',
es = 'Institución matriz',
et = 'Emaasutus',
fa = 'نهاد مادر',
fi = 'Emojärjestö',
fr = 'Institution mère',
gl = 'Institución pai',
he = 'מוסד אב',
hi = 'जनक संस्था',
hu = 'Üzemeltető',
hy = 'Ծնողների հաստատություն',
id = 'Institusi induk',
it = 'Ente principale',
ja = '上部機関',
ko = '상위 기관',
mk = 'Матична установа',
ml = 'മാതൃസ്ഥാപനം',
ms = 'Institusi induk',
nds = 'Moderinstitutschoon',
nl = 'Overkoepelende instantie',
pl = 'Instytucja nadrzędna',
pt = 'Instituição de origem',
ro = 'Instituție-mamă',
ru = 'Родительская организация',
scn = 'Enti principali',
sl = 'Matična ustanova',
sr = 'Матична установа',
sv = 'Moderinstitut',
th = 'หน่วยงานแม่',
tr = 'Ait olduğu kurum',
vi = 'Thuộc về viện',
['zh-hans'] = '父机构',
['zh-hant'] = '父機構',
location = {
ar = 'الموقع',
ast = 'Allugamientu',
['be-tarask'] = 'Месца',
bn = 'অবস্থান',
ca = 'Emplaçament',
cs = 'Poloha',
da = 'Sted',
de = 'Ort',
el = 'Τοποθεσία',
en = 'Location',
es = 'Ubicación',
et = 'Asukoht',
eu = 'Kokapena',
fa = 'مکان',
fi = 'Sijainti',
fr = 'Emplacement',
gl = 'Localización',
he = 'מיקום',
hi = 'स्थान',
hu = 'Elhelyezkedés',
hy = 'Տեղագրություն՝',
id = 'Lokasi',
it = 'Localizzazione',
ja = '所在地',
ko = '위치',
mk = 'Место',
ml = 'സ്ഥാനം',
ms = 'Lokasi',
nds = 'Oort',
nl = 'Locatie(s)',
nn = 'Stad',
pl = 'Miejsce',
pt = 'Localização',
ro = 'Amplasament',
ru = 'Местонахождение',
scn = 'Lucalizzazzioni',
sl = 'Kraj',
sr = 'Седиште',
sv = 'Plats',
th = 'ที่ตั้ง',
tr = 'Konum',
uk = 'Місце',
vi = 'Vị trí',
zh = '地址'
established = {
ar = 'تاريخ الإنشاء',
['be-tarask'] = 'Заснаваны',
bn = 'প্রতিষ্ঠিত',
ca = 'Fundació',
cs = 'Založeno',
da = 'Grundlagt',
de = 'Gegründet',
el = 'Ιδρύθηκε',
en = 'Established',
es = 'Fundación',
et = 'Asutatud',
eu = 'Sorrera',
fa = 'تأسیس',
fi = 'Perustettu',
fr = 'Fondation',
gl = 'Fundación',
he = 'נוסד',
hi = 'स्थापित',
hu = 'Alapítás',
hy = 'հաստատված է՝',
id = 'Didirikan',
it = 'Istituito',
ja = '設立',
ko = '설립',
mk = 'Основана',
ml = 'നിലവിൽ വന്നത്',
ms = 'Ditubuhkan',
nds = 'Grünnt',
nl = 'Opgericht',
nn = 'Skipa',
pl = 'Data powstania',
pt = 'Estabelecido',
ro = 'Înființare',
ru = 'Дата основания',
scn = 'Istituitu',
sl = 'Ustanovitev',
sr = 'Основана',
sv = 'Inrättad',
th = 'จัดตั้งขึ้นเมื่อ',
tr = 'Kuruluşu',
uk = 'Заснований',
vi = 'Thành lập',
zh = '成立',
coordinates = {
ar = 'الإحداثيات',
ast = 'Coordenaes',
['be-tarask'] = 'Каардынаты',
bn = 'স্থানাঙ্ক',
ca = 'Coordenades',
cs = 'Souřadnice',
da = 'Koordinater',
de = 'Koordinaten',
el = 'Συντεταγμένες',
en = 'Coordinates',
es = 'Coordenadas',
et = 'Koordinaadid',
eu = 'Koordenatuak',
fa = 'مختصات',
fi = 'Koordinaatit',
fr = 'Coordonnées',
gl = 'Coordenadas',
he = 'קואורדינטות',
hi = 'निर्देशांक',
hu = 'Koordináták',
hy = 'Կորդինատները',
id = 'Koordinat',
it = 'Coordinate',
ja = '経緯度',
ko = '좌표',
mk = 'Координати',
ml = 'നിർദ്ദേശാങ്കങ്ങൾ',
ms = 'Koordinat',
nds = 'Laag',
nl = 'Coördinaten',
nn = 'Koordinatar',
pl = 'Współrzędne',
pt = 'Coordenadas',
ro = 'Coordonate',
ru = 'Координаты',
scn = 'Coordinati',
sl = 'Koordinate',
sr = 'Координате',
sv = 'Koordinater',
th = 'พิกัด',
tr = 'Koordinatları',
uk = 'Координати',
vi = 'Tọa độ',
['zh-hans'] = '坐标',
['zh-hant'] = '坐標',
inventory = {
ar = 'قائمة الفهارس',
ast = 'Inventariu',
['be-tarask'] = 'Інвэнтар',
bn = 'তালিকাভুক্ত জিনিসপত্র',
ca = 'Inventari',
cs = 'Inventář',
da = 'Inventarliste',
de = 'Bestandsverzeichnis',
el = 'Συλλογή',
en = 'Inventory',
es = 'Inventario',
et = 'Kogud',
eu = 'Inbentarioa',
fa = 'فهرست موجودیها',
fi = 'Inventorio',
fr = 'Inventaire',
gl = 'Inventario',
he = 'Inventory',
hi = 'वस्तु सूची',
hu = 'Leltár',
hy = 'Գույքացուցակ',
id = 'Inventaris',
it = 'Collezione',
ja = '収蔵品目録',
ko = '소장품 목록',
mk = 'Попис',
ml = 'വസ്തുക്കൾ',
ms = 'Inventori',
nds = 'Inventarlist',
nl = 'Collectie',
pl = 'Inwentarz',
pt = 'Inventário',
ro = 'inventar',
ru = 'реестр',
scn = 'Cullizzioni',
sl = 'popis',
sr = 'Инвентар',
sv = 'Inventarielista',
th = 'ภาพของพื้นที่',
tr = 'Envanter',
uk = 'Список праць',
vi = 'Kiểm kê',
['zh-hans'] = '藏品目录',
['zh-hant'] = '藏品目錄',
linkback = {
ar = 'وصلة إلى قالب صندوق معلومات المؤسسة',
['be-tarask'] = 'Адваротная спасылка да карткі ўстановы',
bn = 'প্রতিষ্ঠান তথ্যছক টেমপ্লেটে ফেরত যাওয়ার লিঙ্ক',
ca = 'Enllaç a la plantilla d’informació de la institució',
cs = 'Zpětný odkaz na šablonu infoboxu instituce',
da = 'Link tilbage til institutionen faktaskabelon',
de = 'Link zurück zur Museums Infobox-Vorlage',
el = 'Σύνδεσμος προς το πλαίσιο πληροφοριών οργανισμού',
en = 'Link back to Institution infobox template',
et = 'Link selle malli leheküljele',
fa = 'پیوند به الگوی جعبهٔ اطلاعات مؤسسه',
fi = 'Linkki takaisin mallineeseen Institution infobox',
fr = 'Lien vers le modèle de boîte d’information pour l’institution',
gl = 'Ligazón de volta ao modelo',
he = 'Link back to Institution infobox template',
hi = 'संस्था के ज्ञानसन्दूक साँचा की वापस कड़ी',
hy = 'Link back to Institution infobox template',
id = 'Tautkan kembali ke templat kotak info institusional',
it = 'Link a questo modello di museo',
ja = 'Institution infoboxテンプレートへ戻る',
ko = '기관 정보 틀로 돌아가는 링크',
mk = 'Врска кон инфокутијата за установата',
ml = 'സ്ഥാപന ഇൻഫോബോക്സ് ഫലകത്തിലേക്ക് തിരിച്ച് കണ്ണി ചേർക്കുക',
ms = 'Pautkan kembali ke templat kotak info institusi',
nl = 'link naar dit museum-sjabloon',
pl = 'Link do szablonu instytucji',
pt = 'Regressar à predefinição',
ru = 'Ссылка на шаблон музея',
scn = 'Link a stu mudellu di museu',
sl = 'Povezava nazaj na predlogo',
sr = 'Назад на шаблон институције',
sv = 'Länk tillbaka till institutionsfaktamallen',
th = 'ลิงก์กลับไปยังหน้ากล่องข้อมูลหน่วยงาน',
tr = 'Kurum bilgi kutusu şablonuna geri dön',
uk = 'Зворотне посилання до картки установи',
vi = 'Liên kết quay lại bản mẫu thông tin Institution',
['zh-hans'] = '查看机构信息模板',
['zh-hant'] = '查看機構資訊模板',
missing_linkback = {
ar = 'قالب <em>المؤسسة</em> هذا يعتمد على عنصر في ويكي بيانات، وهذا العنصر يفتقد خاصية [[d:Property:P1612|منشئ صفحة كومنز (P1612)]]. رجاءً اضغط على أيقونة [[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25 بكسل]] الموجودة في الأعلى لإضافته.',
['be-tarask'] = 'Гэты шаблён <em>Установа</em> заснаваны на старонцы Вікізьвестак, якой бракуе ўласьцівасьці [[d:Property:P1612|старонка інстытуцыі ў Вікісховішчы (P1612)]]. Каб дадаць яе, націсьніце, калі ласка, [[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25px]] іконку ўверсе.',
en = 'This <em>Institution</em> template is relying on Wikidata page, which is missing [[d:Property:P1612|Commons Institution page (P1612)]] property. Please click [[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25px]] icon above to add it.',
fr = 'Ce modèle <em>Institution</em> dépend d’une page Wikidata, où il manque une propriété [[d:Property:P1612|Commons Institution page (P1612)]]. Veuillez cliquer l’icone [[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25px]] ci-dessus pour l’ajouter.',
ja = 'この<em>Institution</em>テンプレートはウィキデータのページに依存していますが、当該ページは[[d:Property:P1612|コモンズの施設ページ(P1612)]]プロパティが欠けています。上の[[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25px]]アイコンをクリックして追加してください。',
mk = 'Ова предлошка <em>Установа</em> зависи од страница на Википодатоците на која ѝ недостасува својството [[d:Property:P1612|страница за установа на Ризницата (P1612)]]. Стиснете на иконката [[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25px]] погоре за да го додадете.',
pl = 'Ten szablon <em>Instytucja</em> opiera się na stronie Wikidata, której brakuje deklaracji [[d:Property:P1612|Commons Institution page (P1612)]]. Kliknij powyższą ikonę [[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25px]], aby dodać tą deklaracje. ',
ru = 'Этот шаблон <em>Учреждения</em> полагается на страницу в Викиданных, в которой отсутствует [[d:Property:P1612|страница учреждения на Викискладе (P1612)]] из пространства имён «Собственность» (property). Нажмите, пожалуйста, на следующую иконку [[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25px]] выше, чтобы добавить страницу.',
sl = 'Ta predloga <em>Institution</em> je odvisna od strani v Wikipodatkih, ki ji manjka lastnost [[d:Property:P1612|Commons Institution page (P1612)]]. Prosimo, kliknite zgornjo ikono [[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25px]] in jo dodajte.',
th = 'แม่แบบ<em>หน่วยงาน</em>นี้ มีข้อมูลบนวิกิสนเทศที่ล้าหลังกว่าเล็กน้อย เนื่องจากขาดข้อมูล [[d:Property:P1612|Commons Institution page (P1612)]] กรุณากดที่ไอคอน [[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25px]] ด้านบนเพื่อเพิ่ม',
['zh-hans'] = '此“<em>Institution</em>”模板依靠维基数据页面,其缺少[[d:Property:P1612|共享资源机构页面(P1612)]]属性。请勾选上方的[[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25px]]图标添加它。',
['zh-hant'] = '此「<em>Institution</em>」模板依靠維基數據頁面,其缺少[[d:Property:P1612|共享資源機構頁面(P1612)]]屬性。請勾選上方的[[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25px]]圖標添加它。',
missing_homecat = {
ar = 'قالب <em>المؤسسة</em> هذا يعتمد على عنصر في ويكي بيانات، وهذا العنصر يفتقد خاصية [[d:Property:P373|تصنيف كومنز (P373)]] التي تربطه مع تصنيف موجود في كومنز. الرجاء إنشاء هذا التصنيف و/أو الضغط على أيقونة [[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25 بكسل]] أعلاه، وإضافته إلى ويكي بيانات بالشكل المناسب.',
['be-tarask'] = 'Гэты шаблён <em>Установа</em> заснаваны на старонцы Вікізьвестак, якой бракуе ўласьцівасьці [[d:Property:P1612|катэгорыя ў Вікісховішчы (P373)]] з спасылкай на існую катэгорыю Вікісховішча. Калі ласка, стварыце такую катэгорыю і/або націсьніце [[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25px]] іконку ўверсе, каб дадаць яе ў Вікізьвесткі.',
en = 'This <em>Institution</em> template is relying on Wikidata page, which is missing [[d:Property:P373|Commons category (P373)]] property linking it to an existing category on Commons. Please create such category and/or click [[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25px]] icon above to add it to Wikidata.',
fr = 'Ce modèle <em>Institution</em> dépend d’une page Wikidata, où il manque une propriété [[d:Property:P373|Commons category (P373)]] la liant à une catégorie existante sur Commons. Veuillez créer une telle catégorie ou cliquer l’icone [[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25px]] ci-dessus pour l’ajouter sur Wikidata.',
ja = 'この<em>Institution</em>テンプレートはウィキデータのページに依存していますが、当該ページをコモンズ上の既存のカテゴリにリンクさせる[[d:Property:P373|コモンズのカテゴリ(P373)]]プロパティが欠けています。カテゴリを作成するか、上の[[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25px]]アイコンをクリックしてウィキデータに追加してください。',
mk = 'Оаа предлошка <em>Установа</em> зависи од страница на Википодатоците на која ѝ недостасува својството [[d:Property:P373|категорија на Ризницата (P373)]] кое би ја поврзало со овдешна постоечка категорија. Направете таква категорија и/или појдете на Википодатоците за да ја додадете.',
ru = 'Этот шаблон <em>Учреждения</em> полагается на страницу в Викиданных, в которой отсутствует [[d:Property:P373|категория на Викискладе (P373)]] из пространства имён Собственность (property), связанная с существующей категорией на Викискладе. Создайте, пожалуйста, такую категорию и/или нажмите на следующую иконку [[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25px]] выше, чтобы добавить категорию.',
sl = 'Ta predloga <em>Institution</em> je odvisna od strani v Wikipodatkih, ki ji manjka lastnost [[d:Property:P373|Commons category (P373)]] za povezavo z obstoječo kategorijo v Zbirki. Prosimo, ustvarite tako kategorijo in/ali kliknite zgornjo ikono [[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25px]] in jo dodajte v Wikipodatke.',
th = 'แม่แบบ<em>หน่วยงาน</em>นี้มีข้อมูลขาดหายเล็กน้อย เนื่องจากขาดการลิงก์คุณลักษณะ [[d:Property:P373|หมวดหมู่คอมมอนส์ (P373)]] มายังหมวดหมู่ที่มีอยู่บนคอมมอนส์ กรุณาสร้างหมวดหมู่แล้วลิงก์ด้วยปุ่ม [[File:Commons to Wikidata QuickStatements.svg|25px]] เพื่อเพิ่มไปยังวิกิสนเทศ',
['zh-hans'] = '此“<em>Institution</em>”模板依靠维基数据页面,其缺少链接至现有共享资源分类的[[d:Property:P373|共享资源分类(P373)]]属性。请创建这个分类(如果没有),并前往维基数据添加它。',
['zh-hant'] = '此「<em>Institution</em>」模板依靠維基數據頁面,其缺少連結至現有共享資源分類的[[d:Property:P373|共享資源分類(P373)]]屬性。請創建這個分類(如果沒有),並前往維基數據添加它。',
website = 'Q35127',
authority = 'Q36524',
local ISOdate = require("Module:ISOdate")._ISOdate -- used for internationalization of dates
local LanguageCodes = {
Q197936 = "abe", -- Abenaki
Q5111 = "ab", -- Abkhaz
Q27683 = "ace", -- Acehnese
Q27776 = "ady", -- Adyghe
Q27811 = "aa", -- Afar
Q14196 = "af", -- Afrikaans
Q34737 = "agq", -- Aghem
Q28026 = "ak", -- Akan
Q8773 = "akl", -- Aklan language
Q1815020 = "akz", -- Alabama
Q8748 = "sq", -- Albanian
Q131339 = "als", -- Alemannic German
Q131339 = "gsw", -- Alemannic German
Q56499 = "arq", -- Algerian Arabic
Q7976 = "en-us", -- American English
Q28244 = "am", -- Amharic
Q35497 = "grc", -- Ancient Greek
Q28378 = "anp", -- Angika
Q13955 = "ar", -- Arabic
Q8765 = "an", -- Aragonese
Q28602 = "arc", -- Aramaic
Q8785 = "hy", -- Armenian
Q29316 = "rup", -- Aromanian
Q29316 = "roa-rup", -- Aromanian
Q29401 = "as", -- Assamese
Q29507 = "ast", -- Asturian
Q715766 = "tay", -- Atayal
Q56590 = "atj", -- Atikamekw
Q306626 = "de-at", -- Austrian German
Q29561 = "av", -- Avar
Q4627 = "ay", -- Aymara
Q9292 = "az", -- Azerbaijani
Q33205 = "bfq", -- Badaga
Q257829 = "bqi", -- Bakhtiari
Q33243 = "bm", -- Bambara
Q33151 = "bjn", -- Banjar
Q33219 = "jv-x-bms", -- Banyumasan
Q33219 = "map-bms", -- Banyumasan
Q13389 = "ba", -- Bashkir language
Q29540 = "bar", -- Bavarian language
Q33025 = "bej", -- Beja
Q9091 = "be", -- Belarusian
Q9610 = "bn", -- Bengali
Q33268 = "bh", -- Bhojpuri
Q33268 = "bho", -- Bhojpuri
Q37059 = "bpy", -- Bishnupriya Manipuri
Q35452 = "bi", -- Bislama
Q25167 = "nb", -- Bokmål
Q9303 = "bs", -- Bosnian
Q33202 = "brh", -- Brahui
Q750553 = "pt-br", -- Brazilian Portuguese
Q12107 = "br", -- Breton
Q7979 = "en-gb", -- British English
Q33190 = "bug", -- Buginese
Q7918 = "bg", -- Bulgarian
Q9228 = "my", -- Burmese
Q33120 = "bxr", -- Buryat
Q880301 = "frc", -- Cajun French
Q44676 = "en-ca", -- Canadian English
Q9186 = "yue", -- Cantonese
Q9186 = "zh-yue", -- Cantonese
Q2937525 = "cps", -- Capiznon
Q7026 = "ca", -- Catalan
Q33239 = "ceb", -- Cebuano
Q21117 = "esu", -- Central Alaskan Yup'ik
Q33284 = "bcl", -- Central Bikol
Q36811 = "ckb", -- Central Kurdish
Q33262 = "ch", -- Chamorro
Q33281 = "cbk-zam", -- Chavacano
Q33350 = "ce", -- Chechen
Q33388 = "chr", -- Cherokee
Q33273 = "ny", -- Chewa
Q33265 = "chy", -- Cheyenne
Q7850 = "zh", -- Chinese
Q32979 = "cho", -- Choctaw
Q33170 = "ckt", -- Chukchi
Q33251 = "chu", -- Church Slavonic
Q33348 = "cv", -- Chuvash
Q37041 = "lzh", -- Classical Chinese
Q37041 = "zh-classical", -- Classical Chinese
Q25289 = "kw", -- Cornish
Q33111 = "co", -- Corsican
Q33390 = "cr", -- Cree
Q33357 = "crh", -- Crimean Tatar
Q39132363 = "crh-cyrl", -- Crimean Tatar in Cyrillic script
Q38893333 = "crh-Latn", -- Crimean Tatar in Latin script
Q6654 = "hr", -- Croatian
Q9056 = "cs", -- Czech
Q9035 = "da", -- Danish
Q56466 = "din", -- Dinka
Q18415595 = "dty", -- Doteli language
Q7411 = "nl", -- Dutch
Q516137 = "nds-NL", -- Dutch Low Saxon
Q33081 = "dz", -- Dzongkha
Q689894 = "pa", -- Punjabi Gurmukhi
Q29919 = "arz", -- Egyptian Arabic
Q242648 = "eml", -- Emilian-Romagnol
Q1860 = "en", -- English
Q29952 = "myv", -- Erzya
Q9072 = "et", -- Estonian
Q30005 = "ee", -- Ewe
Q30007 = "ext", -- Extremaduran
Q25258 = "fo", -- Faroese
Q46728 = "hif", -- Fiji Hindi
Q33295 = "fj", -- Fijian
Q1412 = "fi", -- Finnish
Q33291 = "fon", -- Fon
Q15087 = "frp", -- Franco-Provençal
Q150 = "fr", -- French
Q33441 = "fur", -- Friulian
Q33454 = "ff", -- Fula
Q33287 = "gaa", -- Ga
Q33457 = "gag", -- Gagauz
Q9307 = "gl", -- Galician
Q33475 = "gan", -- Gan
Q8108 = "ka", -- Georgian
Q188 = "de", -- German
Q181037 = "aln", -- Gheg Albanian
Q33587 = "ki", -- Gikuyu
Q33657 = "glk", -- Gilaki
Q5575236 = "gom", -- Goan Konkani
Q2501174 = "gor", -- Gorontalo
Q35722 = "got", -- Gothic
Q9129 = "el", -- Greek
Q25355 = "kl", -- Greenlandic
Q35876 = "gn", -- Guarani
Q1363072 = "gcr", -- Guianan Creole
Q5137 = "gu", -- Gujarati
Q33491 = "ht", -- Haitian Creole
Q33375 = "hak", -- Hakka
Q56475 = "ha", -- Hausa
Q33569 = "haw", -- Hawaiian
Q9288 = "he", -- Hebrew
Q33315 = "hz", -- Herero
Q35978 = "hil", -- Hiligaynon
Q1776032 = "mrj", -- Hill Mari language
Q1568 = "hi", -- Hindi
Q33617 = "ho", -- Hiri Motu
Q9067 = "hu", -- Hungarian
Q294 = "is", -- Icelandic
Q35224 = "io", -- Ido
Q33578 = "ig", -- Igbo
Q35936 = "ilo", -- Ilocano
Q9240 = "id", -- Indonesian
Q33509 = "inh", -- Ingush
Q13351 = "moe", -- Innu-aimun
Q29921 = "iu", -- Inuktitut
Q27183 = "ik", -- Inupiat
Q9142 = "ga", -- Irish
Q652 = "it", -- Italian
item = "code", -- itemLabel
Q35939 = "jam", -- Jamaican Patois
Q5287 = "ja", -- Japanese
Q33549 = "jv", -- Javanese
Q1340322 = "jut", -- Jutlandic dialect
Q33522 = "kbd", -- Kabardian
Q35475 = "kbp", -- Kabiye
Q35853 = "kab", -- Kabyle
Q33634 = "xal", -- Kalmyk Oirat
Q33673 = "kn", -- Kannada
Q36094 = "kr", -- Kanuri
Q36121 = "pam", -- Kapampangan
Q33714 = "krc", -- Karachay-Balkar
Q33541 = "kaa", -- Karakalpak
Q33552 = "ks", -- Kashmiri
Q33690 = "csb", -- Kashubian
Q9252 = "kk", -- Kazakh
Q33584 = "kha", -- Khasi
Q9205 = "km", -- Khmer
Q938216 = "khw", -- Khowar
Q33720 = "krj", -- Kinaray-a language
Q33573 = "rw", -- Kinyarwanda
Q33583 = "rn", -- Kirundi
Q36126 = "kv", -- Komi
Q56318 = "koi", -- Komi-Permyak
Q33702 = "kg", -- Kongo
Q9176 = "ko", -- Korean
Q34806 = "bss", -- Kose language
Q35744 = "kri", -- Krio
Q36368 = "ku", -- Kurdish
Q165795 = "fkv", -- Kven
Q1405077 = "kj", -- Kwanyama
Q9255 = "ky", -- Kyrgyz
Q36196 = "lad", -- Ladino
Q36206 = "lbe", -- Lak
Q56483 = "lki", -- Laki
Q22283016 = "mis", -- language without language code
Q9211 = "lo", -- Lao
Q36212 = "ltg", -- Latgalian
Q397 = "la", -- Latin
Q9078 = "lv", -- Latvian
Q31746 = "lez", -- Lezgian
Q36106 = "lij", -- Ligurian
Q102172 = "li", -- Limburgish
Q36217 = "ln", -- Lingala
Q9083 = "lt", -- Lithuanian
Q33698 = "liv", -- Livonian
Q36584 = "olo", -- Livvi-Karelian
Q33754 = "lmo", -- Lombard
Q25433 = "nds", -- Low German
Q13286 = "dsb", -- Lower Sorbian
Q33368 = "lg", -- Luganda
Q9051 = "lb", -- Luxembourgish
Q36451 = "mi", -- MÄori
Q9296 = "mk", -- Macedonian
Q497345 = "vmf", -- Main-Franconian
Q36109 = "mai", -- Maithili
Q7930 = "mg", -- Malagasy
Q9237 = "ms", -- Malay
Q36236 = "ml", -- Malayalam
Q32656 = "dv", -- Maldivian
Q9166 = "mt", -- Maltese
Q12175 = "gv", -- Manx
Q33730 = "arn", -- Mapudungun
Q1571 = "mr", -- Marathi
Q36280 = "mh", -- Marshallese
Q33661 = "mfe", -- Mauritian Creole
Q13356 = "mzn", -- Mazanderani
Q13357 = "fit", -- Meänkieli
Q3906614 = "mhr", -- Meadow Mari
Q13358 = "ruq", -- Megleno-Romanian
Q13365 = "mwv", -- Mentawai
Q505674 = "gml", -- Middle Low German
Q36455 = "cdo", -- Min Dong
Q13324 = "min", -- Minangkabau
Q13359 = "xmf", -- Mingrelian
Q13330 = "mwl", -- Mirandese
Q36510 = "el", -- Modern Greek
Q13343 = "mdf", -- Moksha
Q36392 = "mo", -- Moldovan
Q9246 = "mn", -- Mongolian
Q56426 = "ary", -- Moroccan Arabic
Q523014 = "mus", -- Muscogee
Q615660 = "mui", -- Musi
Q13300 = "nah", -- Nahuatl
Q13307 = "na", -- Nauruan
Q13310 = "nv", -- Navajo
Q33900 = "ng", -- Ndonga
Q33845 = "nap", -- Neapolitan
Q36452 = "yrk", -- Nenets
Q33979 = "new", -- Nepal Bhasa
Q33823 = "ne", -- Nepali
Q34333 = "yrl", -- Nheengatu
Q33850 = "nrm", -- Norman
Q33850 = "fr-x-nrm", -- Norman
Q28224 = "frr", -- North Frisian
Q19933293 = "lrc", -- Northern Luri
Q33947 = "se", -- Northern Sami
Q33890 = "nso", -- Northern Sotho
Q9043 = "no", -- Norwegian
Q36738 = "nov", -- Novial
Q34235 = "ii", -- Nuosu language
Q25164 = "nn", -- Nynorsk
Q14185 = "oc", -- Occitan
Q33810 = "or", -- Odia
Q34233 = "ryu", -- Okinawan
Q35499 = "cu", -- Old Church Slavonic
Q42365 = "ang", -- Old English
Q35225 = "peo", -- Old Persian
Q35501 = "prg", -- Old Prussian
Q33864 = "om", -- Oromo
Q33968 = "os", -- Ossetian
Q36730 = "ota", -- Ottoman Turkish
Q36323 = "pko", -- Pökoot
Q23014 = "pfl", -- Palatinate German
Q36727 = "pi", -- Pali
Q33879 = "pag", -- Pangasinan
Q33856 = "pap", -- Papiamento
Q12473446 = "pmy", -- Papua Malay language
Q58680 = "ps", -- Pashto
Q10729616 = "aoc", -- Pemon
Q22711 = "pdc", -- Pennsylvania German
Q9168 = "fa", -- Persian
Q34024 = "pcd", -- Picard
Q15085 = "pms", -- Piedmontese
Q36699 = "pis", -- Pijin
Q20537530 = "pih", -- Pitcairn-Norfolk
Q36554 = "pih", -- Pitkern
Q1751432 = "pdt", -- Plautdietsch
Q809 = "pl", -- Polish
Q36748 = "pnt", -- Pontic Greek
Q5146 = "pt", -- Portuguese
Q37178 = "ine", -- Proto-Indo-European
Q58635 = "pa", -- Punjabi
Q5218 = "qu", -- Quechua
Q13198 = "rcf", -- Réunion Creole
Q32145 = "ksh", -- Ripuarian language
Q1641543 = "rgn", -- Romagnol
Q13201 = "rmy", -- Romani
Q7913 = "ro", -- Romanian
Q13199 = "rm", -- Romansh
Q7737 = "ru", -- Russian
Q26245 = "rue", -- Rusyn
Q3006285 = "acf", -- Saint Lucian Creole French
Q34299 = "sah", -- Sakha
Q718269 = "ais", -- Sakizaya language
Q34011 = "sm", -- Samoan
Q213434 = "sgs", -- Samogitian
Q213434 = "bat-smg", -- Samogitian
Q33954 = "sg", -- Sango
Q11059 = "sa", -- Sanskrit
Q33965 = "sat", -- Santali
Q33902 = "skr", -- Saraiki
Q33976 = "sc", -- Sardinian
Q27154 = "stq", -- Saterland Frisian
Q14549 = "sco", -- Scots
Q9314 = "gd", -- Scottish Gaelic
Q9299 = "sr", -- Serbian
Q9301 = "sh", -- Serbo-Croatian
Q34015 = "crs", -- Seychellois Creole
Q56482 = "shn", -- Shan
Q33274 = "shy", -- Shawiya language
Q34004 = "sn", -- Shona
Q33973 = "scn", -- Sicilian
Q33786 = "sid", -- Sidamo
Q30319 = "szl", -- Silesian
Q21480034 = "en-simple", -- Simple English
Q21480034 = "simple", -- Simple English
Q21480034 = "en-x-simple", -- Simple English
Q13414913 = "zh-hans", -- Simplified Chinese
Q33997 = "sd", -- Sindhi
Q13267 = "si", -- Sinhala
Q9058 = "sk", -- Slovak
Q9063 = "sl", -- Slovene
Q13275 = "so", -- Somali
Q34340 = "st", -- Sotho
Q3449805 = "azb", -- South Azerbaijani
Q12634001 = "bcc", -- Southern Balochi
Q12952748 = "luz", -- Southern Luri
Q36495 = "nan", -- Southern Min
Q36495 = "zh-min-nan", -- Southern Min
Q13293 = "sma", -- Southern Sami
Q56508 = "sou", -- Southern Thai
Q1321 = "es", -- Spanish
Q33989 = "srn", -- Sranan tongo
Q34002 = "su", -- Sundanese
Q7838 = "sw", -- Swahili
Q34014 = "ss", -- Swazi
Q9027 = "sv", -- Swedish
Q1366643 = "de-ch", -- Swiss Standard German
Q34057 = "tl", -- Tagalog
Q34128 = "ty", -- Tahitian
Q9260 = "tg", -- Tajik
Q1063911 = "tzl", -- Talossan
Q34318 = "tly", -- Talysh
Q5885 = "ta", -- Tamil
Q2087886 = "be-tarask", -- Taraškievica
Q2087886 = "be-x-old", -- Taraškievica
Q695526 = "it-x-tara", -- Tarantino
Q695526 = "roa-tara", -- Tarantino
Q25285 = "tt", -- Tatar
Q39132549 = "tt-cyrl", -- Tatar in Cyrillic script
Q39134544 = "tt-latn", -- Tatar in Latin script
Q34142 = "tsg", -- Tausug
Q8097 = "te", -- Telugu
Q34125 = "tet", -- Tetum
Q9217 = "th", -- Thai
Q34271 = "bo", -- Tibetan
Q34124 = "ti", -- Tigrinya
Q34159 = "tpi", -- Tok Pisin
Q34094 = "to", -- Tongan
Q18130932 = "zh-hant", -- Traditional Chinese
Q34327 = "ts", -- Tsonga
Q34137 = "tn", -- Tswana
Q34251 = "tcy", -- Tulu
Q34138 = "tum", -- Tumbuka
Q56240 = "aeb", -- Tunisian Arabic
Q56240 = "aeb-arab", -- Tunisian Arabic
Q256 = "tr", -- Turkish
Q9267 = "tk", -- Turkmen
Q34040 = "tru", -- Turoyo
Q34055 = "tvl", -- Tuvaluan language
Q34119 = "tyv", -- Tuvan
Q36850 = "tw", -- Twi
Q13238 = "udm", -- Udmurt
Q8798 = "uk", -- Ukrainian
Q22282914 = "und", -- undetermined language
Q13248 = "hsb", -- Upper Sorbian
Q1617 = "ur", -- Urdu
Q13263 = "ug", -- Uyghur
Q9264 = "uz", -- Uzbek
Q32762 = "vro", -- Võro
Q32762 = "fiu-vro", -- Võro
Q32704 = "ve", -- Venda
Q32724 = "vec", -- Venetian
Q32747 = "vep", -- Veps
Q9199 = "vi", -- Vietnamese
Q56485 = "wym", -- Vilamovian
Q32858 = "vot", -- Votic
Q37560 = "lat-vul", -- Vulgar Latin
Q34208 = "wbl", -- Wakhi
Q34219 = "wa", -- Walloon
Q34279 = "war", -- Waray language
Q9309 = "cy", -- Welsh
Q27175 = "fy", -- West Frisian
Q133800 = "pnb", -- Punjabi Shahmukhi
Q36943 = "wal", -- Wolaytta
Q34257 = "wo", -- Wolof
Q34290 = "wuu", -- Wu Chinese
Q13218 = "xh", -- Xhosa
Q34247 = "yai", -- Yaghnobi
Q12953315 = "yav", -- Yangben
Q8641 = "yi", -- Yiddish
Q34179 = "ydg", -- Yidgha
Q34311 = "yo", -- Yoruba
Q7033959 = "zh-yue", -- Yue Chinese
Q10199 = "diq", -- Zazaki
Q237409 = "zea", -- Zeelandic
Q13216 = "za", -- Zhuang
Q10179 = "zu", -- Zulu
local core = require("Module:core")
-- ==================================================
-- === Internal functions ===========================
-- ==================================================
local function info_box(text, lang, qCode)
return string.format('<table class="messagebox plainlinks layouttemplate" dir="ltr" style="border-collapse:collapse; border-width:2px; border-style:solid; width:100%%; clear: both; '..
'border-color:#f28500; background:#ffe; border-left-width: 8px; ">'..
'<td class="mbox-image" style="padding-left:.9em;">'..
' [[File:Commons-emblem-issue.svg|class=noviewer|45px]]</td>'..
'<td class="mbox-text" style="">%s</td>'..
'</tr></table>', string.format(core.langSwitch(labels[text],lang), qCode))
-- ====================================================================
-- This function is responsible for producing HTML of a single row of the template
-- At this stage all the fields are already filed. There is either one or two fields
-- * param - structures for 2 fields containing fields:
-- - field - field name
-- - wrapper - some fields need a <span class=...> wrapper around the field content
-- * args - table with all the parameters
-- ====================================================================
local function Build_html_row(param, args)
local field = args[param.field]
if field=='' then field=nul; end
if not (field or args.demo) then
return nil
local tag = labels[param.field]
if type(tag)=='string' and string.match(tag, "^Q%d+$") then
tag = getLabel(tag, args.lang, "-", "ucfirst")
tag = core.langSwitch(tag, args.lang)
local cell1 = string.format('<td style="%s">%s</td>\n', args.style2, tag)
local cell2 = string.format('<td colspan="2" style="word-break:break-word;%s">'.. param.wrapper ..'</td>', args.style1, field or '')
return string.format('<tr valign="top">\n%s%s</tr>\n', cell1, cell2)
-- ====================================================================
-- === This function is just responsible for producing HTML of the ===
-- === template. At this stage all the fields are already filed ===
-- ====================================================================
local function Build_html(args, cats)
local field
args.style1 = 'border:1px solid #aaa;'
args.style2 = 'background-color:#e0e0ee; font-weight:bold; ' .. args.style1
args.style3 = 'min-width:130px; ' .. args.style1
-- get text direction
local dir, text_align, odir
if mw.language.new( args.lang ):isRTL() then
dir, text_align, odir = 'rtl', 'right', 'left'
dir, text_align, odir = 'ltr', 'left', 'right'
-- Top line with Creator name, lifespan and link icons -
local top = {}
table.insert(top, string.format('<span class="fn" id="creator"><bdi>%s\n</bdi></span>', args.name or 'missing name') )
if args.linkback then
table.insert(top, string.format('[[File:Blue pencil.svg|15px|link=Institution:%s]]', args.linkback) )
if args.wikidata then -- Wikidata Link
table.insert(top, string.format('[[File:Wikidata-logo.svg|20px|wikidata:%s|link=wikidata:%s]]', args.wikidata, args.wikidata) )
if args.QS then -- quick_statement link to upload missing info to wikidata
table.insert(top, string.format('%s', args.QS) )
if args.inventory then
local formatStr = "<span style='float:%s; font-size:80%%; margin-%s:20px;'> ([[%s|%s]])</span>"
table.insert(top, string.format(formatStr, odir, odir, args.inventory, core.langSwitch(labels.inventory, args.lang) ))
local line = string.format('<th colspan="4" style="%s">%s</th>', args.style2, table.concat(top, ' '))
local results = {}
table.insert(results, string.format('<tr valign="top">\n%s\n</tr>\n', line))
-- add other fields
local param = {
{field='native_name' , wrapper='%s'},
{field='parent' , wrapper='%s'},
{field='location' , wrapper='<div class="locality">%s</div>'},
{field='coordinates' , wrapper='%s'},
{field='established' , wrapper='%s'},
{field='website' , wrapper='%s'},
{field='authority' , wrapper='%s'},
for i=1,#param do
table.insert(results, Build_html_row(param[i], args))
-- Image on the Left
if not args.image and args.demo then
args.image = 'MarksburgSilhouette.svg'
if args.image then --Wikiquote link
field = string.format('[[File:%s|200x140px|alt=%s|class=photo]]', args.image, args.name or '')
local n = #results -- number of rows below
line = string.format('<td rowspan="%i" style="width:120px" id="fileinfotpl_creator_image"><span class="wpImageAnnotatorControl wpImageAnnotatorOff">%s</span></td>', n, field)
table.insert(results, 2, string.format('<tr valign="top">\n%s\n</tr>\n', line) )
results = table.concat(results)
-- build table
local collapsed = ''
if args.collapse or args.namespace == 6 then
collapsed = 'collapsed'
local style = string.format('class="toccolours collapsible %s" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" dir="%s" style="text-align:%s; border-collapse:collapse; background:#f0f0ff; border:1px solid #aaa;" lang="%s"',
collapsed, dir, text_align, args.lang)
results = string.format('<table %s>\n%s\n</table>\n', style, results)
results = string.format('<div class="vcard">\n%s\n</div>\n', results)
-- add references and documentation which are only visible in creator namespace
if args.namespace==106 then
local box =''
if args.wikidata and string.match(cats,'missing linkback') then
box = info_box('missing_linkback', args.lang, args.wikidata)
elseif args.wikidata and string.match(cats,'without home category') then
box = info_box('missing_homecat', args.lang, args.wikidata)
local doc = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title ='documentation', args = { 'Template:Institution/documentation' } }
results = results .. box .. doc -- add documentation to pages in creator namespace
return results
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Create coordinate link ===
-- === INPUTS: ===
-- === * lat - latitude of the institution ===
-- === * lon - longitude of the institution ===
-- === * osm - "waypoint" ID gives better www.openstreetmap.org link ===
-- === * geopoly - not woring at the moment ===
-- === * lang - language id of the desired language ===
-- === * namespace - namespace number of the page calling the module ===
-- ===========================================================================
local function coords(lat, lon, osm, geopoly, namespace, lang)
if not lat or not lon then
return nil
-- add OSM polygon, title etc.
local str, prec
if namespace == 6 then -- in files
str = Coordinates._lat_lon(lat, lon, prec, lang)
local args = { lat=lat, lon=lon, lang=lang, prec="50", mode="institution"}
str = Coordinates._GeoHack_link(args)
-- OSM link
local osmlink = string.format('//www.openstreetmap.org/index.html?mlat=%s&mlon=%s&zoom=17', lat, lon)
if osm then
osmlink = string.format('//www.openstreetmap.org/?way=%s', osm)
osmlink = string.format('<span class="wpImageAnnotatorControl wpImageAnnotatorOff">[[File:Openstreetmap logo.svg|20px|Link to OpenStreetMap|link=%s]]</span>', osmlink)
-- Google maps link
local gmaplink = string.format('//maps.google.com/maps?hl=%s&q=%s,%s&tab=wl', lang, lat, lon)
if geopoly then
--gmaplink = string.format('//tools.wmflabs.org/dschwenbot/geo_poly/?t=unnamed&p=%s', mw.text.encode(geopoly)) -- not working at the moment
gmaplink = string.format('<span class="wpImageAnnotatorControl wpImageAnnotatorOff">[[File:Google Maps icon (2020).svg|20px|Link to Google Maps|link=%s]]</span>', gmaplink)
return str .. ' ' .. osmlink .. ' ' .. gmaplink
-- ===========================================================================
-- === This function is responsible for adding maintenance categories ===
-- === which are not related to wikidata ===
-- === INPUTS: ===
-- === * args - merged data from the local arguments and Wikidata ===
-- ===========================================================================
local function add_maintenance_categories(args)
local cats = '' -- categories
-- if home category than
if args.namespace==14 and args.homecat and mw.title.new('Category:' .. args.homecat):localUrl() == mw.title.getCurrentTitle():localUrl() then
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution template home categories]]'
--cats = cats .. string.format('\n[[Category:namespace %i]]',args.namespace)
-- check for wikidata q-code
if not args.wikidata then
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution template home categories without Wikidata link]]'
-- ===============================================================
-- === automatic categorization of pages in Institution: namespace ===
-- ===============================================================
if args.namespace~=106 then
return cats
-- add [[Category:Institution templates]] category
cats = cats .. string.format('\n[[Category:Institution templates]]')
-- check for key information
if not args.linkback and not args.wikidata then
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution templates without linkback]]'
if not args.name then
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution templates without name]]'
-- add homecat category
if args.homecat then
cats = cats .. string.format('\n[[Category:%s]]',args.homecat)
-- check for image
if not args.image then
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution templates without images]]'
-- check for wikidata q-code
if not args.wikidata then
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution templates without Wikidata link]]'
-- check for homecat
if not args.homecat then
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution templates without home category]]'
local hc = mw.title.new('Category:'..args.homecat)
if not hc or not hc.exists then
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution templates without home category]]'
return cats
-- ===========================================================================
-- === This function is responsible for adding maintenance categories ===
-- === to pages in Institution namespace which are related to wikidata ===
-- === INPUTS: ===
-- === * args0 - local inputs from the Institution template page ===
-- === * args1 - merge of local and wikidata metadata ===
-- === * data - data pulled from Wikidata ===
-- ===========================================================================
local function add_categories_to_institution_namespace(args0, args1, data)
local cats = '' -- categories
local qsTable = {} -- table to store QuickStatements
local comp = {} -- outcome of argument vs. wikidata comparison
-- two forms of QuickStatements command with and without quotes
local qsCommand = {'%s|%s|%s', '%s|%s|"%s"'}
-- compare Linkback to the actual page name. Many "Linkbacks" are created with
-- tool which produces & and ' instead of "&" and "'"
if args0.linkback then
local linkback = args0.linkback
linkback = mw.ustring.gsub(linkback, ''', "'")
linkback = mw.ustring.gsub(linkback, '&', "&")
if linkback~=args0.pagename then
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution templates with mismatching linkback]]'
-- add [[Category:Institution templates with unknown parameter]] category, if some parameter not on the following list is used
local fields = {'name', 'native_name', 'inventory', 'parent', 'location', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'osm', 'geopoly',
'image', 'homecat', 'established', 'website', 'authority', 'stub', 'demo',
'namespace', 'linkback', 'wikidata', 'lang', 'pagename', 'option', 'collapse' }
local set = {}
for _, field in ipairs(fields) do set[field] = true end
for field, _ in pairs( args0 ) do
if not set[field] then
cats = string.format('%s\n[[Category:Institution templates with unknown parameter|%s]]', cats, field)
-- skip the rest if no q-code
if not args0.wikidata then
return cats, args1
-- add [[Category:Wikidata based Institution templates]] and [[Category:Institution templates with Wikidata link: local linkback]]
local val = {wikidata=1, linkback=0, lang=0, namespace=0, pagename=0 }
local hash = 0;
for field, _ in pairs( args0 ) do
hash = hash + (val[field] or 10)
if hash==1 then
cats = string.format('%s\n[[Category:Institution templates based only on Wikidata]]', cats)
-- mark parameters as "local" if they are present in Institution template
local fields = {'name', 'native_name', 'parent', 'location', 'image', 'homecat', 'established', 'website', 'authority', 'linkback'}
for _, field in ipairs( fields ) do
if args0[field] then
comp[field] = 'local'
-- redundant if commons Institution template and wikidata have those fields and they are the same
local fields = {'established', 'native name'}
for _, field in ipairs( fields ) do
if args0[field] and data[field] and args0[field]==data[field] then
comp[field] = 'redundant'
-- redundant name if wikidata has at least English label
if args0.name and data.name_ and not string.match(data.name_, "^%[%[d:Q%d+%|.+%]%]") then
comp.name = 'redundant'
-- redundant if commons Institution template and wikidata have those fields, without checking values
if args0.location and data.location then
--comp.location = 'redundant'
-- ==================================================
-- === coordinates =================================
-- ==================================================
-- calculate distance
local lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2 = args0.latitude, data.latitude, args0.longitude, data.longitude
if lat1 and lat2 then
comp.coordinates = 'local'
if lat1 and lat2 and lon1 and lon2 then
local dLat = math.rad(lat1-lat2)
local dLon = math.rad(lon1-lon2)
local d = math.pow(math.sin(dLat/2),2) + math.pow(math.sin(dLon/2),2) * math.cos(math.rad(lat1)) * math.cos(math.rad(lat2))
d = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(d), math.sqrt(1-d)) -- angular distance in radians
d = 6371000 * d -- radians to meters conversion
if d<100 then
comp.coordinates = 'redundant'
comp.coordinates = 'mismatching'
elseif lat1 and not lat2 and lon1 and not lon2 then
comp.coordinates = 'item missing'
table.insert( qsTable, string.format(qsCommand[1], args0.wikidata, 'P625', string.format('@%09.5f/%09.5f', lat1, lon1)) )
-- ==================================================
-- === website =====================================
-- ==================================================
args0.website_ = args0.website
if args0.website then
local str = string.match(args0.website, "%[([^ %]]+)[ %]]")
if str then -- strip off [] brackets if detected
args0.website_ = str
local a1 = args0.website_ -- creator template value
local d1 = data.website -- wikidata q-code
if a1 and d1 and a1==d1 then
comp.website = 'redundant'
elseif a1 and not d1 then
comp.website = 'item missing'
table.insert( qsTable, string.format(qsCommand[2], args0.wikidata, 'P856', a1) )
-- ==================================================
-- === odds and ends ===============================
-- ==================================================
if args0.image then
args0.image_ = mw.uri.decode( args0.image, "WIKI" )
args0.linkback_ = args0.pagename;
args0.homecat_ = args0.homecat;
local fields = {image='P18', linkback='P1612', homecat='P373'}
for field, prop in pairs( fields ) do
a1 = args0[field..'_'] -- creator template value
d1 = data[field] -- wikidata q-code
if a1 and d1 and a1~=d1 then
comp[field] = 'mismatching'
elseif a1 and d1 and a1==d1 then
comp[field] = 'redundant'
elseif a1 and not d1 then
comp[field] = 'item missing'
table.insert( qsTable, string.format(qsCommand[2], args0.wikidata, prop, a1) )
if comp.linkback == 'redundant' and (hash~=1 or not args0.linkback) then
comp.linkback = nil
-- ==================================================
-- === Create categories and QuickStatement codes ===
-- ==================================================
-- create categories based on comp structure
for field, outcome in pairs( comp ) do
cats = string.format('%s\n[[Category:Institution templates with Wikidata link: %s %s]]', cats, outcome, field)
-- convert QS table to a string
local QS = '' -- quick_statements final string
if #qsTable>0 then
local today = '+' .. os.date('!%F') .. 'T00:00:00Z/11' -- today's date in QS format
local url = mw.title.getCurrentTitle():canonicalUrl()
local source = '|S143|Q24731821|S813|' .. today .. '|S4656|"' .. url .. '"'
local qsWrapper = ' [[File:Commons_to_Wikidata_QuickStatements.svg|15px|link=%s]]'
QS = table.concat( qsTable, source..'||') .. source -- combine multiple statements into a single command separated by ||
QS = mw.ustring.gsub(QS, ' ', "%%20")
QS = mw.ustring.gsub (mw.uri.encode(QS),'%%2520','%%20')
QS = 'https://quickstatements.toolforge.org/#/v1=' .. QS -- create full URL link
QS = string.format(qsWrapper, QS)
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Institution templates with Wikidata link: quick statements]]'
args1.QS = QS;
return cats, args1
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Harvest wikidata properties matching creator template fields ===
-- === INPUTS: ===
-- === * qCode - item id or a q-code ===
-- === * lang - language id of the desired language ===
-- === * namespace - namespace number of the page calling the module ===
-- ===========================================================================
local function harvest_wikidata(qCode, lang, namespace)
-- * qCode - item id or a q-code
-- * lang - language id of the desired language
-- * namespace - namespace number of the page calling the module
local str, d, v
local data = {} -- structure similar to "args" but filled with wikidata data
local cats = ''
local entity = nil
if mw.wikibase and qCode then
entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(qCode)
if not entity then
cats = '[[Category:Institution templates with bad Wikidata link|invalid]]'
elseif entity.id~=qCode then
cats = '[[Category:Institution templates with redirected Wikidata link]]'
if not entity then
return data, cats
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Step 1: time properties
-- ===========================================================================
-- harvest time properties: translated date and year number
local prop = 'P1619'
local d = getDate(entity, prop , lang) -- date of official opening
if not d.str or d.str=='' then
prop = 'P571'
d = getDate(entity, prop, lang) -- inception date
if d.str then
data.established_ = d.iso
data.established = d.str .. core.editAtWikidata(entity.id, prop, lang)
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Step 1a: website
-- ===========================================================================
-- look for multiple values each with a language code
local website = {}
local url
for _, statement in pairs( entity:getBestStatements( 'P856' )) do
if (statement.mainsnak.snaktype == "value") then
url = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value
local lng = nil
if statement.qualifiers and statement.qualifiers.P407 then
lng = statement.qualifiers.P407[1].datavalue.value.id
lng = LanguageCodes[lng]
website[lng or 'en'] = url
data.website = core.langSwitch(website, lang)
if data.website and url then
local label = mw.ustring.gsub(url , '^https?\:\/\/', "") -- remove "http://" or "https://" at the beginning
label = mw.ustring.gsub(label , '\/$', "") -- "/" at the end
data.website = string.format("[%s %s]", data.website, label)
if data.website then
data.website = data.website .. core.editAtWikidata(entity.id, 'P856', lang)
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Step 2: simple string and Q-code properties
-- ===========================================================================
-- harvest string and Q-code properties
local property = {P18='image', P154='logo_image', P373='homecat', P1612='linkback', P1448='official_name',
P1705='native_name', P131='city', P276='location', P159='HQ_location', P749='parent', P361='partOf', P17='country'}
local addIcon = {P1448=1, P1705=1, P131=1, P276=1, P159=1, P749=1, P361=1}
for prop, field in pairs( property ) do
if entity.claims and entity.claims[prop] then -- if we have wikidata item and item has the property
-- capture single "best" Wikidata value
for _, statement in pairs( entity:getBestStatements( prop )) do
if (statement.mainsnak.snaktype == "value") then
local v = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value
if v.id then
v = core.getLabel(v.id, lang)
elseif v.text then
v = v.text
if addIcon[prop] then
v = v .. core.editAtWikidata(entity.id, prop, lang)
data[field] = v
data.native_name = data.official_name or data.native_name
data.image = data.logo_image or data.image
data.location = data.city or data.HQ_location or data.location
data.parent = data.parent or data.partOf
if data.location and data.country then
data.location = mw.text.listToText( {data.location, data.country}, ', ', ', ')
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Step 3: geographic coordinates
-- ===========================================================================
local P625 = entity:getBestStatements( 'P625' ) -- coordinate location
v = nil
if P625[1] and P625[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.latitude then
v = P625[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value
if not v then -- check for location of headquarters location (P159)
local P159 = entity:getBestStatements( 'P159' )
if P159[1] and P159[1].qualifiers and P159[1].qualifiers.P625 then
v = P159[1].qualifiers.P625[1].datavalue.value
if v and v.globe == 'http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q2' then
data.latitude, data.longitude = v.latitude, v.longitude
-- =================================================================================
-- === Step 4: name and authority control
-- =================================================================================
-- get name field
data.name = getLabel(entity, lang) -- create name based on wikidata label
data.name_ = getLabel(entity, 'en') -- try english label label
-- get authority control template
local AC_cats
data.authority, AC_cats = authorityControl(entity, {wikidata = qCode}, lang, 5)
if not (namespace == 2 or namespace == 6 or namespace == 828 or math.fmod(namespace,2)==1) then
cats = cats .. AC_cats -- lets not add authorityControl categories to user pages, files, modules or talk pages and concentrate on templates and categories instead
return data, cats
-- ==================================================
-- === External functions ===========================
-- ==================================================
local p = {}
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Version of the function to be called from other LUA codes
-- ===========================================================================
function p._institution(args0)
local lang = args0.lang -- user's language
local cats = '' -- categories
local str, data
-- look up title info
args0.namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace -- get page namespace
args0.pagename = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text -- get {{PAGENAME}}
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Step 1: clean up of template arguments "args0"
-- ===========================================================================
if args0.linkback then
args0.linkback = string.sub(args0.linkback,13)
if args0.established then
args0.established = ISOdate(args0.established, lang)
if not tonumber(args0.latitude) or not tonumber(args0.longitude) then
args0.longitude = nil
args0.latitude = nil
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Step 2: one by one merge wikidata and creator data
-- ===========================================================================
data, cats = harvest_wikidata(args0.wikidata, lang, args0.namespace)
-- mass merge (prioritize local values)
local args = {}
local fields = {'native_name', 'inventory', 'parent', 'location', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'demo', 'image', 'homecat',
'established', 'website', 'authority', 'linkback', 'wikidata', 'lang', 'namespace', 'collapse' }
for _, field in ipairs( fields ) do
args[field] = args0[field] or data[field]
args.name = data.name
if not args.name or string.match(args.name or '', "^%[%[d:Q%d+%|Q.+%]%]") then
args.name = args0.name -- no name on Wikidata
--args.name = data.name or args0.name
args.location = City(args.location, lang)
args.coordinates = coords(args.latitude, args.longitude, args0.osm, args0.geopoly, args0.namespace, lang)
if not args0.latitude and data.latitude then
args.coordinates = args.coordinates .. core.editAtWikidata(args0.wikidata, 'P625', args.lang)
-- convert all empty strings to nils
for _, field in ipairs( fields ) do
if args[field] == '' then
args[field] = nil;
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Step 3: create maintenance categories and render html of the table
-- ===========================================================================
cats = cats .. add_maintenance_categories(args)
-- If institution namespace than add maintenance categories
args.QS = nil;
if args.namespace==106 then
str, args = add_categories_to_institution_namespace(args0, args, data)
cats = cats .. str
local results = Build_html(args, cats)
return results, cats
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Version of the function to be called from template namespace
-- ===========================================================================
function p.institution(frame)
-- switch to lowercase parameters to make them case independent
local args = core.getArgs(frame)
if args.option == 'collapse' then
args.collapse = 1 -- some "options" are to modify the name and some are commands to do things
args.option = nil
local QS = ''
if args.wikidata and string.match(args.wikidata or '', "^Q%d+$") then -- invisible language independent marking
QS = string.format('<div style="display: none;">institution QS:P195,%s</div>\n', args.wikidata)
-- call the inner "core" function
local results, cats = p._institution(args)
return results .. QS .. cats
return p