Lua support routines for poetry-related templates.

  • divify: encapsulate each separate line in passed text block in <div>-</div> sequences.
  • rmuid: remove any and all occurrences of a list of values (typically unit-name-codes e.g. "em", "px" etc.) from passed string and return whatever remains. Useful for isolating multiplier factors prior to use in later calculations.

Currently used by these templates:

  • {{constant leading}} (alias: {{divify}}: Mark text block to be rendered with equal line height separating both normal lines and paragraphs.
  • {{stanza}}: Format stanzas of poetry with common margin and hanging indent characteristics. Also supports presentation of an optional leading drop-capital letter.


Main entry point for Lua function to wrap individual lines of poetry in passed string in protective <div>..</div> pairs.



Poetry = {};

function Poetry.divify(frame)
    rhyme = frame.args[1] or ""

    -- Noting passed in? Acceptable as response.
    if rhyme == '' then
        return rhyme

    return '<div>' .. mw.ustring.gsub( rhyme, '\n', '</div>\n<div>' ).. '</div>'


Main entry point for Lua function to remove any and all unit-ids (typically "em", "ex" etc.) from quantity presented and return truncated result.



  would in this case return the string "3".

function Poetry.rmuid(frame)
    local quantity = frame.args[1] or ""

    -- Iterate over remaining arguments, and remove each string found from quantity.
    key = 2
    while ( frame.args[key] ~= nil ) do
        quantity = mw.ustring.gsub( quantity, frame.args[key], '' )
        key = key + 1

    return quantity

return Poetry